May 9, 2019
By Casey Trupin
Director, Youth Homelessness

Governor Inslee and the Washington state legislature have taken an important step toward a more just and humane juvenile justice system for our state’s youth and families. 

In the wee hours of the last night of legislative session, lawmakers narrowly passed a plan to phase out the practice of incarcerating youth who commit “status offenses,” such as running away or skipping school. Our state owes this victory to the tenacious campaigning and deep expertise of youth advocates from organizations like the Mockingbird Society and YouthCare, along with other dedicated Raikes Foundation grantees like A Way Home Washington, TeamChild, Legal Counsel for Youth and Children and Columbia Legal Services, as well as legislators like Sen. Jeannie Darneille and Rep. Noel Frame.

For decades, our state has chosen to lock up youth who engage in what is often a response to trauma in their lives. In those same decades, overwhelming amounts of research on trauma, brain development and punishment have made clear that incarcerating youth for these “status offenses” only deepens their trauma and makes their path to stability steeper and more fraught.

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April 17, 2019
Jeff Raikes at the Othering and Belonging Conference

Last week Jeff Raikes took the stage at the Othering and Belonging conference with Alexis McGill Johnson, Executive Director of the Perception Institute, and Phil Thompson, New York City Deputy Mayor. In their wide-ranging conversation they touch on students' sense of belonging in school, how to build an inclusive economy, community organizing, and much more much.

You can watch their entire conversation here.

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March 27, 2019
student homelessness
By Casey Trupin
Director, Youth Homelessness

New data confirms that a record-breaking number of students experienced homelessness during the 2016-17 school year. The number of students who experience homelessness each year has been steadily ticking upward for more than a decade, topping out at more than 1.3 million in 2017.

Unfortunately, as the national student homelessness strategy, Education Leads Home, notes, it’s likely that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. Most schools are ill-equipped to identify students who are experiencing homelessness, let alone connect them with housing, transportation and family support.

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March 6, 2019
Education Leads Home
By Casey Trupin
Director, Youth Homelessness

This week the national campaign to address student homelessness, Education Leads Home, announced that six states—California, Kentucky, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington—have been chosen to participate in a first-of-its-kind partnership aimed improving educational outcomes for students who are experiencing homelessness.

Young people who do not graduate from high school are 4.5 times as likely to experience homelessness in their lives—and students who are experiencing homelessness are nearly 90 percent more likely to drop out of school than their peers. Taken together, those facts shine a light on the daunting odds that students experiencing homelessness face, as well as why education is a crucial part of any strategy to prevent and end youth homelessness. Schools are critical points of connection for students and families—connections that we have to utilize to ensure students are getting what they need inside and outside of the classroom.

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