our grantmaking process

The Raikes Foundation makes grants in three core program areas: Education, Youth Homelessness, and Impact-Driven Philanthropy. We also make a limited number of community grants and grants for special projects. Proposals are by invitation only. We make the majority of our grants to organizations we have identified. We do not accept unsolicited proposals. 

To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and as public charities under section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) of the Code. Public organizations designated under section 170(c) of the Code are also eligible. The Raikes Foundation does not make grants to individuals or to organizations outside the United States. 

The Raikes Foundation does not fund: individuals; organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin or citizenship, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religious belief; or religious purposes unless grant activities address the needs of the wider community without regard to religious beliefs.

Even if our grants and strategies don’t fully succeed, we only fail if we don’t learn.

– Jeff Raikes

List of Grants

Organization Requests Award Date Amount Program
The Seattle Academy Of Arts And Sciences General Operating Support 10/08/23 $2,500.00 Trustee Directed (Recurring)
Soulumination General Operating Support 11/08/23 $500.00 Trustee Directed (Recurring)
University Child Development School General Operating Support 10/07/23 $2,500.00 Trustee Directed (Recurring)
U-Power General Operating Support 11/08/23 $2,500.00 Trustee Directed (Recurring)
U-Power Dodge for a Cause Event Team Sponsorship 01/26/24 $1,250.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Nyaka Inc General Operating Support 10/05/23 $265.05 Trustee Directed (One Time)
The Tri-Faith Initiative of Omaha, Nebraska General Operating Support 04/17/23 $5,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Kona Super Sonics General Operating Support 05/06/24 $500.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund 08/25/23 $10,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Boy Scouts of America - Chief Seattle Council Mariners Scout Luncheon Sponsorship (2024) 01/23/24 $10,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Evans Scholars Foundation Par Club 11/14/24 $10,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Children & Youth Justice Center Norm Maleng Advocate for Youth Award Breakfast Sponsorship (2023) 02/14/23 $5,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Ryther Neurodiverse NW 2024: ‘Stronger Together’ Event 06/12/24 $500.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Obliteride 07/19/24 $500.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Treehouse Aileen McGinnis Fund 08/09/23 $5,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
Bishop Blanchet High School Ignite Campaign 01/31/25 $10,000.00 Trustee Directed (One Time)
The Seattle Foundation Grantmakers for Thriving Youth, Education Forward Fund 12/01/22 $50,000.00 Special Initiatives
The Schott Foundation for Public Education General Operating Support 08/01/23 $250,000.00 Special Initiatives
New York University NYU Steinhardt Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools General Operating Support 08/01/23 $50,000.00 Special Initiatives
Panorama Global We Are In: Youth By Name List (YBNL) 12/08/23 $81,000.00 Regional Homelessness
Panorama Global We Are In: Roy Street Housing Funding Gap 12/08/23 $150,000.00 Regional Homelessness
Panorama Global We Are In - Phase II: YYAH Systems Change Landscape and Gap Analysis 12/08/23 $102,375.00 Regional Homelessness
Building Changes We Are In: Youth & Young Adult Homelessness Systems Change Landscape & Gap Analysis 05/08/23 $16,000.00 Regional Homelessness
Building Changes Youth & Young Adult Homelessness Landscape and Plan 10/21/22 $50,000.00 Regional Homelessness
Panorama Global We Are In: King County Regional Homelessness Authority Data Infrastructure Development 12/08/23 $200,625.00 Regional Homelessness
Panorama Global Hyphen Partnerships: General Operating Support 11/15/22 $200,000.00 RED Base
Grassroots Power Project General Operating Support 11/13/23 $1,500.00 RED Base
Equality Federation Institute General Operating Support 11/17/23 $1,000.00 RED Base
Good Information Foundation General Operating Support 09/21/22 $30,000.00 RED Base
Stand Up For Equity **N40 FUNDED** General Operating Support 03/01/22 $200,000.00 RED Base
New Venture Fund Leading Now: Responsive Communications Support for System Leaders 04/13/22 $150,000.00 RED Base
Hopewell Fund Galvanize USA: General Operating Support 12/01/23 $1,000.00 RED Base
Tides Foundation Core Operating Support - Center for Working Families Fund 11/03/22 $100,000.00 RED Base
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation Reimagining Capacity and Capital for Communities (RC3) Initiative 01/03/23 $30,000.00 RED Base
Rockefeller Family Fund Democracy Power & Innovation Fund 06/25/24 $100,000.00 RED 4 - Collaborative Funding
Proteus Fund Inc. Piper Fund Donor Collaborative 06/05/24 $100,000.00 RED 4 - Collaborative Funding
Neighborhood Funders Group Amplify Fund 06/24/24 $100,000.00 RED 4 - Collaborative Funding
Grassroots Power Project General Operating Support 09/18/24 $2,500.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Rise and Remember General Operating Support 04/30/24 $25,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Gender Justice General Operating Support 05/01/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha General Operating Support 05/01/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia-United Renters for Justice General Operating Support 05/13/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
ISAIAH General Operating Support 05/14/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Land Stewardship Project General Operating Support 05/01/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Minnesota Research Justice Center General Operating Support 07/01/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Minnesota Black Collective Foundation General Operating Support 05/15/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
OutFront Minnesota Community Services General Operating Support 05/14/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Navigate General Operating Support 06/05/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Local Progress Policy Institute General Operating Support 05/14/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning
Tides Foundation Movement Voter Fund General Operating Support 05/30/24 $2,000.00 RED 3 - Research & Learning