The Raikes Foundation makes grants in three core program areas: Education, Youth Homelessness, and Impact-Driven Philanthropy. We also make a limited number of community grants and grants for special projects. Proposals are by invitation only. We make the majority of our grants to organizations we have identified. We do not accept unsolicited proposals.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be classified as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and as public charities under section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) of the Code. Public organizations designated under section 170(c) of the Code are also eligible. The Raikes Foundation does not make grants to individuals or to organizations outside the United States.
The Raikes Foundation does not fund: individuals; organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin or citizenship, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religious belief; or religious purposes unless grant activities address the needs of the wider community without regard to religious beliefs.
Organization | Requests | Award Date | Amount | Program |
Center for Empowered Politics Education Fund | Funders for Organizing: General Operating Support | 12/09/24 | $25,000.00 | Executive Director Discretionary |
Central Washington Justice For Our Neighbors | General Operating Support | 02/13/23 | $25,000.00 | Executive Director Discretionary |
Neighborhood Funders Group | Amplify Fund Core Operations | 11/01/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
The Seattle Foundation | The Seattle Times: Solutions Oriented Journalism Project on Homelessness | 10/27/22 | $25,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Equality Federation Institute | General Operating Support | 10/18/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Strategy |
Treehouse | Project Education Impact Implementation | 10/20/22 | $25,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Grantmakers for Thriving Youth Policy Working Group - Education Forward Fund (2023) | 11/16/23 | $25,000.00 | Education 1 - Field Building |
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice | Funder's Collaborative on Youth Organizing: General Operating Support | 11/06/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Susan Sandler Leadership Fellowship | 02/16/23 | $25,000.00 | Executive Director Discretionary |
National Public Education Support Fund | Education Funder Strategy Group Membership (2025) | 01/16/25 | $25,000.00 | Education 1 - K-12 Field Building |
NEO Philanthropy | Funders' Committee for Civic Participation: General Operating Support | 11/10/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
New Venture Fund | Seek Common Ground’s Student Action Network for Equity General Operating Support | 07/07/22 | $25,000.00 | Education |
New Venture Fund | Narrative Initiative: General Operating Support | 10/18/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
Alliance for A Just Society | Native Organizers Alliance: General Operating Support | 10/18/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
Panorama Global | We Are In: King County Homeless Youth Advocacy Education and Communications Capacity Building | 12/08/23 | $25,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
National Public Education Support Fund | Education Funder Strategy Group Membership (2023) | 03/06/23 | $25,000.00 | Education 1 - Field Building |
The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University | President's Fund at Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education | 09/18/24 | $25,000.00 | Trustee Directed (Recurring) |
Proteus Fund Inc. | Piper Fund Collaborative Fund | 10/18/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
National Public Education Support Fund | Education Funders Strategy Group Membership (2022) | 05/04/22 | $25,000.00 | Education |
Proteus Fund Inc. | Reframe: General Operating Support | 11/06/23 | $25,000.00 | RED 1 - National Infrastucture |
Take Action Minnesota Education Fund | General Operating Support | 03/25/24 | $25,000.00 | RED 2 - State-Based Organizing |
The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University | President's Fund at Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education | 11/22/23 | $25,000.00 | Trustee Directed (Recurring) |
The Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University | President's Fund at Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education | 12/01/22 | $25,000.00 | Community Giving |
Point Source Youth Inc. | Washington State Direct Cash Transfer Pilot | 04/10/24 | $25,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
We Are Down Home | Down Home NC General Operating Support | 03/25/24 | $25,000.00 | RED 2 - State-Based Organizing |
Children & Youth Justice Center | Youth Homelessness Advocacy Coordination | 06/06/23 | $27,500.00 | Youth Homelessness |
National Homelessness Law Center | State Index on Youth Homelessness (2022) | 10/20/22 | $27,500.00 | Youth Homelessness |
TeamChild | Youth Homelessness Advocacy Coordination | 05/09/23 | $27,500.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Trustees of Indiana University | Equitable Giving Lab | 12/15/23 | $30,000.00 | Impact Driven Philanthropy |
Good Information Foundation | General Operating Support | 09/21/22 | $30,000.00 | RED Base |
Capacity Shop | General Operating Support | 12/13/23 | $30,000.00 | RED - IDPI Cross Cut |
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Reimagining Capacity and Capital for Communities (RC3) Initiative | 01/03/23 | $30,000.00 | RED Base |
National Network for Youth Inc. | National Prevention Initiative Advancement (ASPYHR) | 10/31/22 | $30,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
New Venture Fund | Leading Now: AI Series for Superintendents in Leading Now and Chiefs for Change | 11/01/23 | $32,500.00 | Education 1 - Field Building |
Legal Counsel for Youth and Children | Youth Homelessness Advocacy Coordination | 05/09/23 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Washington State Department of Commerce | Office of Homeless Youth "Youth Lead Expansion Project" | 08/23/22 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Treehouse | Ending Foster Care to Prison Pipeline | 10/01/23 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Northstar Advocates | General Operating Support | 09/27/22 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Fund for Education Success: Project Education Impact (PEI) (2023) | 11/21/23 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Coalition For Juvenile Justice | Collaborating for Change | 09/10/24 | $35,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Children & Youth Justice Center | Youth Homeless Advocacy Coordination | 02/16/22 | $36,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
The Seattle Foundation | The Seattle Times: Solutions Oriented Journalism Project on Homelessness | 07/06/23 | $37,500.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Third Sector New England Inc. | A Way Home Washington: Youth & Young Adult Homelessness Landscape Scan Report Development with WA State OHY | 03/27/23 | $38,150.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Legal Counsel for Youth and Children | General Operating Support | 11/22/22 | $40,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
The Aspen Institute, Inc. | The Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions: Belonging, Meaning, Wellbeing & Purpose Framework | 12/16/24 | $40,000.00 | Executive Director Discretionary |
National Network for Youth Inc. | National Learning Collaborative on Youth Homelessness Prevention | 12/05/23 | $40,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
University of Washington | UW School of Social Work: Partners for Our Children Youth Homelessness Policy Effort | 11/14/24 | $40,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation | Higher Ed Forward Fund (2023) | 11/30/23 | $40,000.00 | Education |
TeamChild | Youth Homeless Advocacy Coordination | 02/17/22 | $40,000.00 | Youth Homelessness |
Excelencia in Education | Membership for Latino Student Success Funders Group (2024 & 2025) | 02/12/24 | $40,000.00 | Education |